jeudi 8 février 2018

tu es l'amour de ma vie

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "poeme bébé je t'aime"

1 commentaire:

  1. I expected that previous comment. It was about time somebody brought it up. Until the Gouvernment put a system in place to prosecute any bumb whatsoever who dares to vandalize public or private places after a President’s term, I am sorry to say se courage ak lajan pedi. Like my mother always say
    » se lave min siye a te » It is very sad to witness how much time it takes and how much it cost to build up all those places and how beautiful they look. It will only take one day for the children of Haiti Cherie, not Strangers, not Earthquakes, not War, only a small group of angry people called themselves Sons of Dessalines will destroy them. And what ever happened to them? Nothing. That must stop. I thank Mr Maylove for bringing that up. You are a great Haitian Citizen. We have to talk about it until our voices are heard. Nomore tolerance. Qui aime bien chatie bien.
